
Showing posts from November, 2022

can be done at any of those numerous diagnostic

  ECG scan in Mumbai  can be done at any of those numerous diagnostic centers that have sprouted all over the city. The multi-specialty and super-specialty hospitals have ECG machines find where patients get their tests done one after another. In fact, there are portable ECG machines which the doctors carry along for emergency situations. Small but powerful equipment, it helps save lives. Many heart probl house ems can be diagnosed by using ECG as a primary tool. In what circumstances do doctors recommend ECG? ·           In case of high blood pressure. ·           When a person experiences abnormal chest pain. ·           When a person’s family has a history of heart diseases. ·           As a part of the pre-surgery test. ·          ...

can be done at any of those numerous diagnostic

  ECG scan in Mumbai  can be done at any of those numerous diagnostic centers that have sprouted all over the city. The multi-specialty and super-specialty hospitals have ECG ma chines where patients get their tests done one after another. In fact, there are portable ECG machines which the doctors carry along for emergenc y situations. Small but powerful equipment, it helps save lives. Many heart problems can be diagnosed by usin g ECG as a primary tool. In what circumstances do doctors recommend ECG? ·           In case of high blood pressure. ·           When a person experiences abnormal chest pain. ·           When a person’s family has a history of heart diseases. ·           As a part of the pre-surgery test. ·    ...

hears anything unusual while listening to a patient’s heartbeat.

  ECG scan in Mumbai  can be done at any of those numerous diagnostic centers that have sprouted all over the city. The multi-specialty and super-specialty hospitals have ECG mach ines where patients get their tests done one after another. In fact, th ere are portable ECG machines which the doctors carry along for emergenc news y situations. Small but powerful equipment, it helps save lives. Many heart problems can be diagnosed by using ECG as a primary tool. In what circumstances do doctors recommend ECG? ·           In case of high blood pressure. ·           When a person experiences abnormal chest pain. ·           When a person’s family has a history of heart diseases. ·           As a part of the pre-surgery test. ·      ...